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2" T-Bar Pultruded Stair Tread

50% Open Area

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Pultruded Stair Tread

2" Thick T-Bar with 50% Open Area

Span250 lb500 lbMax lb
Deflection values are based on concentrated loads of 250 lb and 500 lb applied at the center of span. Span and deflection values are in inches. Max lb represents maximum experimental failure load.
2" T-Bar FRP Pultruded Stair Tread Tech Illustration
ThicknessBearing Bar TypeOpen AreaColorPanel SizeTop Surface
2"T50%Dark Gray, Yellow Nosing12" x 144"Grit Top
2"T50%Yellow, Black Nosing12" x 144"Grit Top
*Additional panel sizes, color variation, top finish and stair treads available upon request.